<2023 AIDIA International Student Studio Workshop Information>
AIDIA (Asia Interior Design Institute Association) is an association of Asian interior design institutes.
Building a foundation for interior design education and academic development through exchanges between Asian countries
As an agreement between Asian countries to contribute to the development of space design culture in Asia and around the world
It is a purely professional academic organization founded in 2000.
Since its establishment, seven countries have joined: Korea, China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Singapore.
The General Assembly and International Student Workshop are held every other year.
After the International Student Workshop was held in the Philippines in 2019, it was held in Korea in 2021 due to the spread of COVID-19
The 20th anniversary general assembly was held online, and an international student workshop will be held in Korea in 2023.
The 2023 International Student Workshop held as part of AIDIA's academic activities is as follows
We look forward to your interest and participation.
The number of domestic students to participate is 50until May 31 Please apply for participation.
-- below --
1. Title of event: AIDIA International Student Workshop 2023
2. Date: July 16 (Sun) ~ 21 (Fri), 2023
3. Venue: Hanyang University
4. Participation fee: KRW 250,000 ($200 USD)
5. Application for Participation: Submit the application form via email to the society kiid@kiid.or.kr
6. Program:

7. Participation fee payment method: Account transfer after sending the application form
- Kookmin Bank 829-25-0013-811< span style="color: #333333;"> / Korea Institute of Interior Design
- If you want to pay by card, you must be a member of the society approved as a full or associate member
Please make a request to the society secretariat. (kiid@kiid.or.kr / 02-564-2598)< /span>
- Please note that participation fees are non-refundable due to advance reservations, etc.
8. Organized by : Korea Interior Design Society, Department of Architecture, Hanyang University
9. Sponsor: DDP, IZPMP Co., Ltd.
10. Instagram: https://instagram.com/aidia_student_workshop_2023?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ==