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Information on holding the 15th Next Generation Cultural Space Contest


1. The agenda and theme areas of the 2020 Next Generation Cultural Space Contest

"New Normal" Cultural Space in the Corona Era

New Normal Cultural Space in the time of Covid-19

The global pandemic situation in 2020 is calling for the emergence of another form of new normal following the financial crisis and the digital revolution. The way of use and definition of all environments surrounding us have clearly changed since the outbreak of COVID-19. The demand for a healthier, more beautiful, eco-friendly, and even more creative way of life in new normal communication, such as non-contact, non-face-to-face, social distance, and voluntary isolation, is stronger than ever. In the era of collective loss of cultural space and experience, we look forward to a new synonym for cultural space in the menifesto of young architects toward new normal.

2. the main schedule

2.1. Receiving the first work and presenting the results

(1) First work received: October 13, 2020 (Tue) 1:00 p.m5 p.m. Closed on time / Venue: Academic Secretariat

(2) Announcement of the results of the first screening: October 16, 2020 (Fri) at 5 p.m. on the website

2.2. Second work received and results announced

(1) Second work received: November 10, 2020 (Tue) from 1 p.mClosing at 5 p.m. / Venue: Lobby of the International Conference Hall of the National Library of Korea

(2) Announcement of the results of the second screening: November 12, 2020 (Thu) 5 p.m. Announcement on the conference website

2.3. Award Ceremony

(1) Awards: November 13, 2020 (Fri) 5 p.m. / Venue: International Conference Hall of the National Library of Korea

(2) Exhibition schedule: November 13, 2020 (Fri)~November 19 (Thursday) (Exhibited from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

(3) Demolition and removal: November 20, 2020 (Fri) 10:00-12:00 Works will be taken out, and works will be discarded after the removal time

※ The main schedule is subject to change due to academic circumstances.

3. Awards

Target: 1 work, award and prize money of 5 million won, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award

Grand Prize: 1 work, award, and prize money of 2 million won

Excellence Award: 1 work, certificate and prize money of 1 million won, president of the Korea Library Association

2 works, awards and prize money of 1 million won

Promising Award: Multiple, Listed and Injured

Preferred: Many, Listed

Entry: Multiple, Listed

※ If the level of the secondary work is significantly lower, the secondary work may be eliminated.

4. an entry fee

KRW 50,000 per work (make sure to deposit online (account transfer) to the representative's name one day before submitting the first work)

Entry fees for non-published works due to personal reasons are not refundable.

※ Account number: Woori Bank 1005-503-792555 Depositor: Korea Culture and Space Architecture Association



Space Design Alliance of Korea

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